The Annulment of Marriage

What is a marriage Annulment?
An annulment is a court decree that a marriage is null and void and has been since the marriage was celebrated. A marriage shall be annulled within one year of the marriage and the Petitioner must show they were ignorant of the facts necessitating the annulment and further the parties must not have consummated their marriage.
What are the Grounds for an annulment?
The grounds include: that the marriage has never been consummated; that at the time of the marriage parties were in a prohibited relationship e.g. a monogamous marriage which was not dissolved; and the wife was pregnant by a man other than the husband at the time of marriage and without the husband’s knowledge; if the petitioner’s consent to the marriage was coerced and not freely given etc.
How do I get a divorce in a False Marriage?
A false marriage may be annulled within a year of contracting it.
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